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The Pshaat by Margaret Murry info on the Felines or the lion People. Flying Serpents and Dragons by Boulay info on the Reptilians ... - 59k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

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have Reptilian genetics Return of the Bird Tribes by Ken Carey info on the Carians or the bird people The Pshaat by Margaret Murry info on the Felines or ... - 11k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto
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Meg Murry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Margaret "Meg" Murry O'Keefe is the main character in Madeline L'Engle's Time Quartet of Science fantasy novels, the daughter of two scientists, ... - 42k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

Margaret Alice Murray

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Margaret Murray was an eminent and respected Anthropologist, Archaeologist and Egyptologist. In the 1920's she began writing about her theories on the ... - 41k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

The Witch Cult in Western Europe by Margaret Alice Murray

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The books of Margaret Murray, which appear on the Internet for the first time here at sacred-texts, are ground zero for the modern pagan revival. ... - 12k - En caché - Páginas similares - Anotar esto

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